Adelaide Acrobalance - acro classes for adults!
We run weekly open community classes.
What even is acrobalance? We train in partner/group acrobatics, along with handbalancing and a bit of tumbling.
Beginners usually start with training close to the ground, and you can work up to things like standing lifts (e.g. the Dirty Dancing lift), standing on someone’s shoulders, or a human pyramid.
If you've ever seen circus acrobats, then you've seen some of the skills you can work towards - starting with the basics of course!
Or if dance lifts are your thing, then yes, we can teach those!
Acrobalance Class Schedule
What we practice changes each week depending on people's energy and interests.
The following is a rough guide, people are welcome to finish early or take a break whenever they need.
Classes run every Wednesday evening.
There are no set terms, you can drop in or out depending on your schedule.
On your first night we can show you around, and will ask you to fill in a membership form (contact details, emergency details, waiver, media release, etc.)
7pm: Warmup
We will go through a quick warm-up and some dynamic stretching to loosen up joints and wake up the lazier muscles.
The warm-up will be mostly the same each week, however we will focus on different things depending on what people would like to work on that evening.
If you prefer to do your own warm-up, you're welcome to do so - but please still be with the group so we can plan for the evening.
Most weeks we practice rolling and falling; starting from the basics, and adding some momentum or height as people are ready.
We work up to cartwheels, handstands, and any other skills you want to try!
8pm: Partner Acrobatics
We often start partner work with some dynamic acrobatics - dance lifts/aerials, pitching (as used in cheerleading), etc.
After this we may split into smaller groups as people work on different skills.
Beginners will be introduced to the basics, while more experienced acrobats work on fancier tricks.
10pm: Packup
Help with cleaning and packing up equipment is greatly appreciated, otherwise head home and get a good night's rest!
Acrobalance Class Location
We hire space from CircoBats (they will usually have their own classes running at the same time):
775 South Rd (entry off Emerson Road)
Black Forest SA 5035
This is next to the bridge over Cross Rd; a 10 minute drive from the city, and a 2 minute walk from Emerson railway station.
There is a large carpark - head in, check in, and we'll see you there!
About Us
Adelaide Acrobalance formed in 2020, replacing acrobalance classes previously taught by ZigZag Circus.
Adelaide Acrobalance was founded by participants of those classes.
We all come from different backgrounds (circus, yoga, dance, gymnastics, contortion, powerlifting, etc), with different experiences, different teachers, and different tricks we have learned.
We know someone attending for their first time will have skills and techniques to share as well!
We try to run classes in a collaborative way; working on skills that people want to learn, and having everyone contributing to the group's learning.
Anyone is welcome to make requests or suggestions and to decide what they are comfortable with doing.
If you are not comfortable with a proposed activity for whatever reason (e.g. physical limitations, mental barriers, lack of related practice, etc.), you are more than welcome to ask to do something different or more suitable for you.
This is an adult class, we don't want you to just do what we say without thinking about it!
Classes are free in order to remove income as a barrier, though contributions towards costs are welcome.
If you have any issues in class, please talk to the instructor or Adam (facilitator/owner).
Safety & Inclusivity
At Adelaide Acrobalance we value safety, respect, inclusivity, and community.
We use evidence-based approaches to physical training, start each night working on safe falling techniques, and encourage everyone to find the adjustments that their body needs.
Most partner acro starts with a base (the person on the ground), flier (the person being supported), and one or more spotters (who are ready to catch the flier if needed).
We encourage people to learn each role; understanding the challenges and responsibilities of others helps us to be better acrobats.
We want to meet all the good humans!
Money, gender, orientation, race, etc. are no barriers to doing acro.
Disabilities, injuries, and different levels of physical ability can affect acro, but we can work to each person's capabilities and strengths.
We welcome everyone who will respect their fellow acrobat; respecting boundaries, seeking enthusiastic consent, using the correct pronouns, etc.
Frequently Anticipated Questions
Who is it for?
Anyone who wants to have fun, meet interesting people, and learn partner/group acro.
Beginners are always welcome (there are no set terms, so start any time).
Classes are aimed at adults, but you can bring your children if you’re participating and they’re under your supervision.
What should I bring/wear?
Wear comfortable clothing that you can move freely in; any sort of activewear is ideal.
We train barefoot, however you’re welcome to wear socks or shoes during warmup/cooldown.
Jewellery and watches should be left in your bag or covered up where possible, as they may get caught during acro.
Bring your own water bottles, and a towel may be handy on warmer days.
Why should I go?
It’s a fun way to get exercise and you get to meet cool people and stand on them (or have them stand on you)!
How much does it cost?
That's up to you!
Instructors aren't paid and we have a good deal for using the space - if you can afford to contribute $5-10 that will be greatly appreciated to help cover costs.
If it's a bit difficult to afford, that's fine, come anyway!
We'd rather people come for free and don't have to miss out.
The preferred payment method is bank transfer (we can also accept cash at class):
BSB: 105-029
Acc: 088 150 540
We also appreciate help with setup/packup, taking and sharing photos, bringing friends and family, and (most importantly) being a member of our community
How do I get started?
Send us a message saying when you’d like to come along, if you want to know more, or have any questions.
Can I watch?
While we understand that acrobatics can be impressive to observe, our classes are for participating.
People are more comfortable if everyone's participating rather than if they're being watched.
That said, if you're unsure but interested in seeing what it's like:
• You're welcome to sit out some parts and just work on skills you're more comfortable with
• We have plenty of experienced people keen to help you get started
• There's no cost
So why not come along and join in?
If you are still not convinced in joining in and do just want to watch us, keep an eye out on out social media pages for shows that Adelaide Acrobalance may put on in the future.
Do I need to be fit/strong/flexible?
Not particularly; strength and/or flexibility will help, of course (and allow you to do more cool things), but as you come along and practice acro you'll develop your strength, flexibility, and body awareness.
Can I attend occasionally?
Sure! We know that some people have schedules which only allow them to join in intermittently, you are welcome to drop in and out from week to week.
If you will be attending occasionally, please let us know - and if you will have time, ask us for suggestions for conditioning at home so you can do more cool stuff on your next visit!
Terms and Conditions
This policy was last updated: Jan 17th, 2021.
We may update policies from time to time; we may announce significant changes (i.e. changes to the intent of the policy), however it is your responsibility to review and understand these terms.
Your use of this website implies an acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions; creation of an account or use of the video sessions implies your additional acceptance of the Account Terms and Conditions.
General Terms and Conditions
This website and all information is presented on an as-is basis, with no warranty or guarantee of reliability or accuracy.
Information is presented for personal use only.
You may not copy this site or any information or media used without prior consent.
You may not undertake, or cause, any actions which may interfere with the normal operation of this website (including, but not limited to, attempting to gain unauthorised access or prevent the use of the site through DoS attacks).
Applicable law: all matters relating to this website shall governed by the laws of South Australia.
Any disputes shall be heard within the jurisdiction of South Australia.
Account Terms and Conditions
The following terms apply (in addition to the General terms) for anyone who signs up, creates an account, or uses an existing account.
Before creating or using an account you must be an adult, be able to understand these terms, and consent to them.
You may only create an account if you intend to participate in our online sessions as a student; or as an organiser if invited by Adelaide Acrobalance.
Your account is non-transferable and may only be used by you.
You may join in video sessions while other people are present with you, however it is your responsibility to ensure they also understand and follow the requirements of the sessions.
We may, at our sole discretion, choose who shall be allowed to join sessions, remove participants from sessions, or remove accounts.
You agree we may use all information you provide or that is publicly available when authorising accounts.
You agree that when joining a session, your name and video stream may be shown to other participants.
When participating in sessions, you must remain polite and respectful to all participants and organisers.
You should participate as best is appropriate for yourself, taking consideration to your own physical capabilities at the time.
You should ask for alternative options or provide feedback whenever you need; but must not disrupt the (intent of) the sessions, e.g. with unrelated discussion.
You must not record or use video sessions in a public place.
You accept that we may choose how to enforce these and other rules as we feel appropriate; but we accept no liability for any lack of or delay in moderation.
Privacy Policy
This policy was last updated: Jan 17th, 2021.
Online Accounts
In order to participate in online sessions, you will be required to create an account.
You may create an anonymous account, sign up with an email address, or sign in with an external provider (e.g. Facebook or Google or other providers as we support).
Your name (which you may update, e.g. to a nickname) will be shown to other participants during any online sessions you join.
In order to protect the privacy of participants and the operation of sessions, all online accounts will need to be approved before they may join a session.
We may use any of the details you provide when signing up, or public data provided by Google/Facebook/other, to identify and approve your account.
The account details are stored and managed by Google services.
We may choose to migrate your information to another account management provider provided a similar level of security is expected.
Your chosen display name and any details sent by your computer will be shared with the video conference provider when you join a session.
You may request we delete your information at any time.
In-Person Classes
When you first attend an in-person class, you will be asked to fill in a membership form.
Please ensure you read the form and ask any questions you may have.
You can view a copy of the membership form
here, although it may not be the most recent version.
Each time you attend an in-person class, you will also be asked to fill in an attendance form.
How we use your information
In case we need to cancel a class, we may contact you using the details you provide.
This will normally only be if we think it is likely you would attend (e.g. you attended the previous session, or indicated you were coming), and you would not know from other sources (e.g. if you normally see our posts on Facebook).
Your "in case of emergency" details will only be used by us in the case of an emergency, we may also provide these details to health professionals or police.
Any details you provide for first aiders or medical professionals will only be used if first aid or medical attention is required.
Any details may also be provided to police or government departments when legally required; for example your attendance and contact details may be provided to SAHealth in the event of CoViD-19 contact tracing.
Access to your own information
If you wish to review what data you have provided to us, to make alterations, or remove any information, you are welcome to do so at class.
In the event that you are unable to attend in person, we may require reasonable proof of identity first.
We may limit changes as required by law; e.g. while we are required to maintain contact tracing details you may update your contact information but not remove them.
Where we store your information
In addition to the paper forms, which may be used by Adelaide Acrobalance organisers or instructors; digital copies of forms may be kept on private computers, or stored with private access on cloud providers (e.g. uploaded to Google storage).